The Biomedical Engineering (BME) Option is intended to provide the core of knowledge expected of a computer and/or electrical engineer to provide engi...
The computer information systems (CIS) or information technology (IT) field, in its broadest sense, encompasses all aspects of computing technology. D...
Computer science focuses on problem solving with a particular emphasis on the design of computer-efficient solutions. Within a few years of obtaining ...
The B.A. in Computer Science will allow students to combine the study of computer science with the study of another field. Given the emergence of comp...
The B.A. in Computer Science will allow students to combine the study of computer science with the study of another field. Given the emergence of comp...
The B.A. in Computer Science will allow students to combine the study of computer science with the study of another field. Given the emergence of comp...
Information technology is concerned primarily with the application of existing computing technologies to the information needs of organizations and in...
The M.S. program is designed to help students increase the breadth and depth of their computer science knowledge, strengthen their software developmen...