Develop an understanding of archaeological methods and theory to unlock some of the most fundamental questions about human life, from the emergence of...
Classical Studies allows you to study the society and culture of antiquity, including its art, religion, history, and archaeology, studying their lite...
This unique multidisciplinary programme is the only one of its kind available in the UK and offers an opportunity to study an in-depth programme that ...
God. Morality. Mind. Reality. Art. If you want to spend three years engaging with some of the most challenging and profound questions with which human...
The MA in Archaeology is an ideal postgraduate degree if you want to study the major developments in human societies from the origins of settled life ...
This MSc programme concentrates on science-based archaeology and is ideal for people who want to become post-excavation or artefact specialists in the...
Our MRes programme provide a personalised and focused introduction to postgraduate research allowing you to develop as an independent researcher with ...