The bachelor of science in information science is designed to prepare its graduates for a variety of careers in the information industry, including in...
Neuroscience embodies the liberal arts experience as it draws on techniques and findings from several academic disciplines including biology, chemistr...
The Department of Applied Physical Sciences (APS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an interdisciplinary graduate program that bri...
The mission of the Department of Exercise and Sport Science (EXSS) is to discover and promote knowledge of human movement to improve quality of life. ...
The Department of Geological Sciences offers programs leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in geological sciences. A broad background is offered in m...
The M.S. degree program is similar to the Ph.D. program except for the following: the advisory committee will be composed of three faculty members, th...
The Department of Allied Health Sciences in the School of Medicine offers an interdisciplinary program of study in human movement science leading to t...