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Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel Management Level 8 - Pacific International Hotel Management

Postgraduate Diploma

  6 months

  Intake : feb / apr / jul / Sep

IELTS : 6.5

$ 27,429 per year*

This course will provide students key business, hospitality skills and knowledge through 30 weeks of lecture style delivery. Students will also receiv...

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Master of Hotel Management Level 9 - Pacific International Hotel Management


  6 months

  Intake : feb / apr / jul / Sep

IELTS : 6.5

$ 27,429 per year*

The aim of the Master of Hotel Management programme is to enhance students' abilities to: 1. Manage job related activities at operational level...

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Pacific International Hotel Management Average Tution fees and Expenses

Pacific International Hotel Management School  Heighlights

Location 4 Henwood Road, Bell Block, New Plymouth 4372, New Zealand ,  Taranaki
Country New Zealand
Type Private
Establish 1995

Pacific International Hotel Management School Tuition Fees

Courses Duration Tuition Fees
Hospitality & Tourism (4 Courses) 10 Month - 2.5 Year NZD 17250 - NZD 31329

New Zealand Living Expenses

You'll require between $20,000 and $25,000 a year ($380–480 per week) for housing/rent, food, transportation, phone bills, internet use, and entertainment, in addition to your tuition and insurance fees. The average living expense will be the same for everyone, regardless of their tuition or course fees. Please keep in mind that these are only suggestions; the Immigration New Zealand requirement is $15,000 per year plus return travel or an additional $2,000 per year.

General expenses Cost
(in NZ dollars)
Rent (per month) $800–$950
Groceries (per week) $100–$150
Gym membership (per year) $300
Entertainment (per week) $50
Milk (per litre) $3
Coca Cola (per can) $2
Cup of Coffee $3–$5
Lunch from University food hall or campus café $7–$12
Local calls made from a cell-phone $0.50–$1.50
Taxi - 5 km ride $10–$12
Movie ticket $10–$14
Visit to doctor $45–$85
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