3 Years
Intake : Sep
IELTS : 6.0
£ 13,000 per year*
Course Details Explore contemporary dance and take part in exciting collaborative performance projects. You will work with choreographers, independ...
Course Details This course will prepare you to enter the thriving music industry, part of the growing UK creative economy that now employs nearly t...
Course Details This course is for musicians who want to realise their potential in contemporary production and develop their ability to perform liv...
Course Details This course will develop your abilities to become a highly skilled music and audio producer. You will hone your skills in the creati...
Course Details Develop the skills you will need to work in the expanding and diverse modern professional audio and music industries. You will explo...
1 Years
Intake : Jan
£ 14,000 per year*
Course Details Audio engineering is the application of science to design, analysis and problem solving in sound recording and audio production, and...
Course Details Writing music for the moving image requires a unique combination of technical and creative skills. You will gain a solid grounding i...
Course Details Build your practical and theoretical experience in the creative and innovative applications of music technology in a studio environm...
Course Details Be part of a lively popular-music research community that embraces everything from metal music to film scores and work alongside per...
Course Details Explore the creative and technical aspects of location sound, studio sound production and sound design. There are increasing numb...
Living Costs - Per month example*