Manufacturing Engineering Technician (Co-op) - Fanshawe College

Undergraduate Diploma

  2 Years

  Intake : Sep

IELTS : 6.0

$ 16,400 per year*

The machines that build our economy and help businesses thrive don't make themselves. They don't fix themselves and they certainly don't r...

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Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Co-op) - Fanshawe College

Undergraduate Diploma

  3 Years

  Intake : Sep

IELTS : 6.0

$ 16,400 per year*

By choosing the Co-op stream of the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program, your two, paid workterms will impress future employers. If your care...

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Fanshawe College Average Tution fees and Expenses

Top Programs in Fanshawe College

Programs Fees Per Annum
B.Com Human Resource Management $11,727
B.Com Management $11,727
B.Com Accounting $11,727
Bachelor of Interior design $11,727
B.Com Digital Marketing $11,727

Fanshawe College Tuition fee/Cost of Attendance

To provide prospective students an indication of the minimal account balance required before applying for admission to Fanshawe College, the anticipated cost of expenditures is as follows:

Tuition fee

The cost of tuition varies depending on the length and difficulty level of each programme offered at Fanshawe College. However, the average anticipated cost is as follows:

International Applicants: 2,135 to 12,450 USD.

Domestic Applicants: 1,035 to 4,590 USD.

Other Expenses including textbooks, housing, food, entertainment, among others: 7,600 to 9,120 USD.8


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