Leading to a Bachelor of Arts, the study of decision making covers descriptive questions like how people, institutions, and nations make judgments and...
Cognitive neuroscience is the study of higher cognitive functions in humans and their underlying neural bases. It is an integrative area of study draw...
Students must become knowledgeable in four areas of emphasis: perception, cognition, language, and computational methods, as well as a set of methods ...
Geosciences is a highly interdisciplinary concentration employing principles from physics, chemistry, and biology to understand the structure of the E...
Science, Technology, and Society (STS, formerly Science and Society) is an interdisciplinary concentration that examines the processes of scientific d...
The master of science in Medical Sciences at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University provides academically promising, motivated students ...
The Neuroscience graduate program promotes interdisciplinary research that crosses traditional discipline and department boundaries, while at the same...