About Vinnytsia National Pirogov Medical University
Vinnitsa Medical Institute n.a. N.I. Pirogov and since 1994 the University has been training competent doctors for 90 years. For this period about 44 thousands of specialists have been trained, who work in Ukraine and in many countries of the world.
Now the training of specialists is carried out at 53 chairs, where the competent scientific-pedagogical staff works. Among them, there are an academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, 5 academicians and 5 members-correspondents of Academies of Science, 120 doctors of science, professors, 554 candidates of science, associate professors.
The Medical University has traditions in educational, research activity, an organization of the students’ leisure, maintaining of heartly relations with the graduates.
Material-technical basis: 3 educational buildings, modern equipment, research center and center of new information technologies, more than 780 modern computers, which are connected up to the Internet, a large library (500 thousand books), own printing house.
The Muslim Center and the Mosque function near the University.
At the medical university 6250 students are trained, including 2080 foreigners. In total about 44000 doctors, among them 2100 specialists of the highest level, possessing the Candidate’s and Ph.D., M.D. degrees, including more than 7500 foreign citizens from 106 foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa) have been trained.
Annually the University chairs issue 10-12 text-books of methods and other educational-methodical materials for the foreign students.
The activity of the Medical University on training doctors among the foreign citizens, international collaboration and international relations are coordinated by the Vice-rector for international links.
In the structure of management of the international citizens’ education function the department for international links, the dean’s office of the preparatory faculty and the dean’s office for undergraduate and postgraduate international students.
The university consists of: administration, education, scientific, medical diagnostic, economic and auxiliary divisions.
The main scientific academic units of the university, which train students and post-gradute students in related specialities are the faculties. The faculty includes clinical departments, as well as the departments in which humanitarian, socio-economic and fundamental disciplines are studied.