Bagrsc Forestry in University College Dublin, Ireland

Bagrsc Forestry in University College Dublin

Forestry is the science, art and profession of managing forests. Foresters manage forests to provide a variety of outputs including timber, recreation, conservation and aesthetics. The protection and enhancement of biodiversity, soils and water quality are all highly relevant in the creation and management of forests. Carbon sequestration, renewable energy resources, multifunctional forestry, wildlife management, bio-complexity, sustainable forest management, social and urban forestry, adaptation for and mitigation of climate change, and the conservation of genetic resources are all aspects of modern forest management. Foresters employ the latest technology in geographic information system (GIS) mapping and forest growth modelling to support good management and sustainable practice.
For more information regarding this course, please click School of Agriculture and Food Science

A broad science-based first year is followed by forestry-focused topics in subsequent years. Fourth year is largely project-based and allows students to combine all of their accumulated skills and knowledge.

Students spend approximately 40 hours a week attending lectures, laboratory sessions and tutorials, and undertake independent study.

Assessment includes continuous assessment (e.g. class tests, essays) and end-of-semester written examinations. In your final year, assessments are largely based on the project reports.

Forestry graduates find employment in all areas of the sector including:
State and semi-state agencies

  • Forest management and consultancy
  • Wood processing
  • Environmental agencies, renewable energy, carbon accounting
  • Education and research

    Other opportunities include information technology, land-use planning and financial services. Research to master’s and PhD level is available.
Duration :

4 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 25,600 Per Year







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