Msc In Climate Change: Policy, Media And Society in Dublin City University, Ireland

Msc In Climate Change: Policy, Media And Society in Dublin City University


The programme is open to both full-time and part-time applicants. Full time students take the programme over one year, while part time students take the programme over two years. Classes are scheduled one day a week from 14:00 onwards to facilitate part time students.

Climate change is growing ever more central to politics, policymaking, planning, business, and civil society, both in terms of mitigating our impact on the climate, and building resilience to current and future climate impacts through adaptation. At a global level, the Paris Agreement on climate change, agreed at COP21 in Paris in December 2015, set a pathway towards full decarbonisation of the global economy in the second half of this century.

The challenges posed by climate change are partly technical and scientific, but they are also profoundly political, institutional, and societal. According to Dr. Youba Sokona, former Vice-Chair of the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “It is technically feasible to transition to a low-carbon economy … but what is lacking are appropriate policies and institutions”.


Graduates of this pioneering programme will have acquired the advanced knowledge and skills to develop careers in the environmental or climate section of public bodies and organisations, both in national and local government; the environment, climate or Corporate Social Responsibility departments of businesses; or in civil society, either in Ireland or internationally.

The programme will enable students currently employed to found, lead or contribute to climate action and emissions monitoring/reduction efforts of their organisations. The dissertation element will allow students to focus on their organisation as a case study.

  • Advocacy
  • Communications
  • Consultancy
  • Development
  • Editor
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Environmental Officer
  • International and public policy
  • Journalism
  • Public Relations
Duration :

1-2 Years





Tuition & fees

€ 15,000 Per Year







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