About Ms In Nursing (msn) in University of San Francisco
Discover the rewards of graduate nursing at the University of San Francisco (USF) School of Nursing and Health Professions. Unlike traditional programs, the MSN program emphasizes leadership, quality, safety, and evidence-based education. You will learn from a framework that integrates the humanities, public health, and physical and organizational sciences into nursing practice. As a nurse with a USF master’s education, you are prepared to lead and succeed in today's complex and dynamic health care system, while also keeping in mind the idea of cura personalis, or "care of the whole person". This particularly Jesuit approach to a nursing education ensures that you have a global perspective when making health care decisions.
Academic qualification equivalents
- Individual university mark sheets for every year with marks obtained and course titles;
Provisional degree certificates or final degree certificates.
English language requirements
(IBT) |
College of Arts and Sciences |
Applied Economics, Computer Science, Computer Science Bridge, International and Development Economics, Sport Management |
115 |
79 |
17 |
6.5 |
53 |
Asia Pacific Studies, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Data Science, Energy Systems Management, Environmental Management, Intl Studies, Migration Studies, Museum Studies, Professional Communication |
115 |
90 |
17 |
6.5 |
61 |
Biology, Public Leadership, Urban and Public Affairs, Writing |
115 |
100 |
17 |
7.0 |
65 |
School of Education |
Master's Programs |
115 |
92 |
20 |
7.0 |
62 |
Doctoral Programs |
120 |
100 |
20 |
7.0 |
68 |
School of Management |
All Programs |
120 |
92 |
6.5 |
62 |
School of Nursing and Health Professions |
Entry-level MSN, PsyD, and DNP |
125 |
100 |
7.0 |
68 |
All Other Programs |
115 |
90 |
6.5 |
68 |
San Francisco State University Cost of Attendance
- Tuition, books and supplies, accommodation and board, transportation, and incidental fees are all included in the cost of studying in the United States.
- The cost of attendance for a full-time undergraduate student living on campus is listed below:
The university has a set tuition charge, as well as other costs, and the undergraduate full-time tuition fee and cost of attendance are as follows:
Description |
On-campus expense |
Off-campus expense |
Tuition fee |
7,440 USD |
7,440 USD |
Books and supplies |
1,038 USD |
1,038 USD |
Food and housing |
15,950 USD |
17,922 USD |
Personal expenses |
2,058 USD |
2,770 USD |
Transportation |
1,094 USD |
1,482 USD |
Total |
27,580 USD |
30,652 USD |
The graduate students cost of attendance will be:-
Type |
Fee |
Credential |
2,566 USD to 3,964 USD |
Master’s degree, second baccalaureate |
2,716 USD to 4,222 USD |
Doctorate |
6,553 USD |
Non-resident tuition fee |
396 USD per unit |
0 to 6.0 units- 700 USD 6.1 or more- 1,200 USD Professional program fee- 270 USD |
Masters of public administration |
0 to 6.0 units- 430 USD 6.1 or more- 850 USD per semester |