About Msc Data Science And Artificial Intelligence in University of Suffolk
The MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is a postgraduate conversion degree. It is a partnership between us and you – we will give you the opportunities to gain deep knowledge, practical skills and meaningful expertise in data science and artificial intelligence, you bring enthusiasm, determination and a willingness to learn and make the most of the opportunities.
This is a conversion course so your undergraduate degree can be in any subject.
Career opportunities
Employer demand for people skilled in Data Science and AI is proven. The number of AI jobs in the UK listed on its online jobs board grew 485% between 2014 and 2017 according to research from the job website ‘Indeed’. Gartner’s survey on AI revealed that there is a rapid growth in the number of AI based jobs in big organisations, and a tempo change from 4 projects per organisation in 2019 to 10 projects in 2020 and accelerating to an expected 35 projects in 2022.
Regionally digital skills in general and Data Science in particular have been identified by employers as a priority area. The Innovation Martlesham cluster where the University of Suffolk’s new DigiTech Centre is co-located has seen growth in the number of ICT jobs from 600 in 2016 to 1200 in 2019 with 2000 jobs projected for 2023.
An increasing percentage of these jobs require core skills in Data Science and AI. Consultations with regional businesses revealed that there is an increasing demand for professionals with strong Data Science skills who are capable of developing machine learning models based on existing AI rapid development frameworks. As a graduate of this degree, you will be ideally placed to take advantage.
In addition to careers in industry, as a graduate of this course, you will also be able to progress into doctoral research.
Entry requirements
IELTS (Academic or UKVI)6.5 overall, and a minimum of 5.5 in each componentCambridge Assessment English C1 AdvancedMinimum overall score of 180, no less than 162 in each componentPearson Test of English (PTE Academic)67 overall, and a minimum of 59 in each componentOxford Test of English140 overall, with a minimum of 111 per component PSI Skills for EnglishB2 Pass with MeritPassword Skills Plus6.5/7.0 overall, and a minimum of 5.5 in each component Oxford International English Language Level Test
Level 7 with no component lower than 5
Use our link and code SUFF75 to pay £75 instead of £120 for your test
Trinity Integrated Skills in EnglishISE III with a Pass or above in all componentsLanguageCert IESOL/SELTIESOL B2 Communicator or SELT B2 with a score of 38/50 across all skills