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Our BA (Hons) History course offers an exciting programme focused on the events of the past, shaped by the questions of the present and designed to prepare you for the future.
Smaller class sizes and higher teaching hours than many comparable institutions, providing students with more time to explore and debate topics in depth and to forge a close-knit and supportive community.
All of our teaching is delivered by our highly qualified, enthusiastic and supportive staff.
Our varied and innovative teaching methods include lectures, seminars, workshops, group projects, trips, online support and one-to-one discussions.
A broad range of assessments including essays, exams, document analysis, oral presentations, book reviews, group work and a dissertation, to develop and test a wide variety of skills and abilities.
Options to undertake a work placement and work with external organisations on community-based projects to help equip our students with the skills and confidence necessary to launch a successful career or business.
Career opportunities in a wide range of sectors including teaching and academia, archive and library services, museum and heritage industries, the civil service, local and national government, media and advertising, publishing and journalism.
Regular trips, social events and external lectures to help you have fun, make new friends and widen your horizons.
Career opportunities
A degree in History opens the door to many careers and closes off very few. Around 60% of graduate jobs are open to graduates of any discipline and History graduates are well equipped with the advanced skills and confidence to thrive in a variety of occupations.
The Telegraph ranks History as one of the Top Ten subjects for employability.
History students go on to careers in teaching and academia, archive and library services, the museum and heritage industries, the civil service, local and national government, media and advertising, publishing and journalism, human resources and management, finance and industry and many more.
History students have a valuable reputation amongst employers for being ideas orientated and good at problem solving, possessing good analytical and research skills, being able to marshal, synthesise and prioritise large quantities of data effectively, being able to communicate clearly, being able to work independently or as part of a team, and above all for being flexible, confident and inventive.
'Employability' is taken very seriously at the University of Suffolk and innovations such as our work-placement module Career Planning in the final year help to equip our students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to prosper in the jobs marketplace.
A number of our graduates also go on to pursue further qualifications at masters and doctoral levels.