About Research Degrees (phd/mphil) In Global Studies in SOAS University of London
The specific focus of this research programme is twofold: thematically, the programme addresses the analysis of contemporary globalisation processes and of the political, economic, social and cultural relationships and structures that define and shape these processes. Rather than, for example, the study of inter-state or inter-nation relations and agreements that is the traditional domain of International Studies, the core focus of this programme is on the study of the nature and evolution of contemporary globalisation itself and on globally shared issues, from a theoretical as well as a policy perspective. Methodologically, the programme promotes the multi-disciplinary analysis of contemporary globalisation processes.
Research topics and projects will analyse the role of, and interchanges between, people, institutions, organisations and states in shaping globalisation dynamics through the prism of (at least) two of the following academic disciplines: International Studies and Politics, Law, Economics, Management Studies, Development Studies, History, Media and Communication Studies.