About Pgde Secondary (home Economics) in Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
If you are passionate about food and textiles, sustainability, social justice and health and wellbeing then there has never been a more important time to learn the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to enable you to transform young lives and contribute to both community and global wellbeing. As a graduate of our unique course, you will help to prepare young people to face the challenges of 21st century citizenship.
Scottish students are guaranteed a job for one year in a Scottish school following graduation as part of the GTCS Teacher Induction Scheme. After graduating, candidates register with the GTCS for provisional registration and on successful completion of a probationary teaching year will be awarded full registration.
When a person successfully completes a teacher education programme at a Scottish university they will receive a teaching qualification. By law they must register with the GTCS before they can be employed as a teacher in a Scottish education authority nursery, primary, secondary or special school. A teacher’s fitness to teach (ie in terms of conduct) will be considered at the point of application for registration.