About Bsc (hons) Nursing in Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
As a nurse, you will be at the forefront of healthcare, meeting a broad range of people who truly need your expertise and empathy. Nurses are involved in promoting health and preventing illness in addition to caring for sick and dying people. This can take place in a variety of environments, which include health centres, homes, residential/care homes and hospitals. A career in nursing can take you into leadership and management, education and research, both at home and overseas. Wherever you choose to specialise in the future, as a nurse you will be an advocate for the people in your care. You will make a difference.
This course will give you the confidence and expertise you need to succeed in the field of nursing that you choose. Your professional prospects will be excellent. Our graduates are now working in acute medical and surgical areas, oncology, haematology, critical care, research, care of older people and rehabilitation, in the UK and overseas. Many have moved outside the traditional idea of a uniformed nurse in a hospital to forge careers in the community, the forces and postgraduate studies.