About Bsc (hons)health & Social Care in Bishop Grosseteste University
Health & Social Care is all about compassion, support and understanding both individual needs and broader sociocultural context. Here at Bishop Grosseteste University, we practice what we teach. Our undergraduate course has been developed in consultation with Health and Social Care services in Lincoln, thus ensuring relevance to provision within the community and meeting employers’ expectations.
Health and social care delivery has always been an area of debate in both the public and political arenas. It was a key feature in the manifestos of the main political parties in the last UK election due to concerns that health and care systems were being overwhelmed by unprecedented demand (Oliver, et al, 2014). With the UK population of over 75’s projected to more than double in size in the next 20 years, and currently over 22% of our population being over 65, demand for both health and social care services continues to increase at an unprecedented rate. Additionally, the COVID19 Pandemic has accentuated demands on the sector and exposed very real fragilities that need to be urgently addressed. This course provides the opportunity to consider these issues and to critical evaluate how to start to make things better by doing things differently.
On completing a Health & Social Care degree at BGU, you will have developed a broad range of skills and attributes which will make you ideally suited for a wide range of employment opportunities or for further study. Possible future career directions could include work as a Family Support Worker, work within drug and alcohol-related support services, support work in relation to homelessness or family violence, or employment in the fields of community, public or mental health as well as more traditional health care services.
For direct entry, A minimum IELTS score of level 6 with a minimum of 5.5 across all sections.
Students with a score of Level 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 across all sections, can gain entry to a course but will be required to take part in a programme of in-sessional support, which will be subject to a further fee of £750.
Overall score of 50
with no less than 42 in any of the communicative skills