About MA & Phd By Research In Art & Design in Limerick Institute of Technology
Programme Aims:
The key aims of research in the School of Art & Design are to provide learners with generic and specific research skills, to generate study at the highest level into the meaning, processes and effects of Art & Design; and to promote the public domain relevance of this work within cultural, social and economic contexts. You will be allotted one or more supervisors who guide and oversee your research work. You will submit a body of art/design work accompanied by a written report or thesis only (both modes of submission involve viva-voce examination), for the award of a research Degree.
Want More?
If you would like to know more about the opportunities for MA and PhD by Research and Thesis in Art and Design, contact the programme leader for the MA by Research and Thesis, Dr. Kieran Cashell, or contact Kathleen Leamy at the Graduate Studies and Research Office for a handbook with further information of what is on offer
Entry Procedure
Postgraduate application forms are available from the School of Art & Design, or the Graduate Studies and Research Office at the Moylish Park Campus. Applicants are required to provide a CV and an outline for their Research Proposal, to include: The aims and objectives of the proposed research, The likely research method, A work programme giving the different stages of the proposed project and indicating the time-frame for achieving the stated aims and objectives.
The initial application is for entry to the MA by Research and Thesis programme; learners can then apply at a later stage for progression to the PhD programme.
IELTS score for postgraduate courses, a minimum of 6.0 is needed.